
FO: Norby

With temperatures in the 40s today I'm not sure how much longer our snow will last, but at least we got out for a ski and photo shoot on Sunday.  I love the way my Norby turned out.  It fits perfectly, just a little slouchy.  And the yarn is great for me - not itchy at all!  I did the top part just a bit differently because I can't ever seem to follow a pattern to the letter.  I love the way it created a snowflake at the top.


Pattern: Norby by Gundrun Johnston
Yarn: Artyarns Ultramerino 4
Needles: US 4 (3.5 mm) and US 3 (3.25 mm)


Up next... a hat for me!

With G's hat completed, I needed a hat for me.  I loved Norby the first time I saw it.  I'm trying not to buy new yarn unless totally necessary, so I dug around and came up with this wonderful gray Artyarns Ultramerino 4.  I was going to knit this up into a Henry scarf for my brother-in-law, but that project was abandoned awhile ago.  So Norby it is!


Double Done!

I finished G's hat!  And, I'm glad.  It has finally gotten really cold and snowy here in Wisconsin, so he can wear it skiing.  Loosely based on the 2 for 1 hat, I made up a pattern for the center panel that worked with my gauge.  The double knitting was definitely a challenge and actually a bit tough on my hands.  But the fabric is really thick and warm and he REALLY likes it.  

Pattern: The 2 for 1 Hat by Josh Ryks 
Yarn: Angel's Kiss Alpaca Worsted Alpaca-Merino and Cascade 220
Needles: US #8


Going crackers?

I was inspired by Homesprout's homemade crackers, so I'm trying this recipe today.  I'll let you know how it turns out!

In just over 30 minutes I have homemade crackers!  I used smoked paprika which really gives them a great flavor.  I don't think these will last long around here.  Give them a try!


Baked Eggs

Recipes for baked eggs came around the blog world awhile ago.  While intrigued, I hadn't tried it until last night.  G made this version from La Buena Vida and it was delicious!  Definitely give it a try!

New "to me" nightstand

I love Craigslist.  I'm addicted to buying furniture this way.  Not only is it SO much less expensive than buying new, it is fun to think that I have a unique piece that isn't from a big box store.  This $25 nightstand is the perfect find for my bedside.  I've been looking for awhile... a LONG while.  I didn't want to spend hundreds on something when I knew eventually I could find what I wanted on Craigslist.  So when this one came up as a set along with two dressers, I had to strike and see if the seller was willing to separate the pieces.  Unfortunately I wasn't the first one to ask about buying the nightstand separately.  But luckily the first buyer did not turn out, so it was MINE!  My wonderful husband even drove me on the snowy-est night of the year (which really isn't saying much this year) to pick it up two towns away. There will be some DIY changes, but I'm so excited to finally have a nightstand!

All color swatches from here; Pulls no. 1, no. 2, no. 3



We are in the dark days of winter.  The natural light is much lacking and we keep the house at a chilly 62F to lower our heating costs.   Last weekend we decided that we needed to warm up a bit and what better way than a trip to Olbrich Botanical Gardens Boltz Conservatory.  This lush indoor rainforest is an oasis in the cold city this time of year.  I thought you might enjoy some photos from our trip.  The orchids and other flowers were beautiful!


Big progress

It is too bad that a productive weekend of knitting is fairly unproductive in other ways, but sometimes you need a big block of time to really make good progress on a project.  I put my Pomegranate down before the holidays to work on some gift knitting and really flew through it on Saturday and Sunday.  I'm almost finished with the back and then onto the front.  I'm pretty sure I'll finish this soon.

The other project I'm making working my way through is G's hat.  The double knitting on this one really slows me down.  I'm about halfway through the pattern and once that is finished, it will be a breeze.

Hope all your projects are going great!


Free Patterns

For your hands:

     Bainbridge Mitts: Textured fingerless mitts (adult small)

     Corrugated Mittens: Textured mittens (adult small)

     Green Leaf Mittens: Leafy lace mittens (adult small)

For your head:

     Elena's Hat: Toddler-sized hat

For your neck:

     Lauren's Cowl: A lacy little cowl (adult small)